by TAP Tech | Feb 19, 2021 | Business Technology Support
We’re all familiar with what the power button looks like, and what it’s supposed to do. What fewer people are familiar with is what the image on the button really means, and the different things that the power button can be used for. The Meaning of the “Power” Symbol...
by TAP Tech | Jan 15, 2021 | Business Technology Support
Today, every business needs a certain amount of technology. The more that people depend on the Internet to manage their affairs and procure goods and services, the more businesses will need to focus on getting the IT infrastructure in place to help them succeed. Over...
by TAP Tech | Dec 21, 2020 | Business Technology Support
I bet you can’t name the amount of network switches at your office. How many licenses of Office do you have? Do you know if your router warranty has lapsed? Most business owners don’t ask these questions very often, but these issues can often have a marked effect on...
by TAP Tech | Dec 9, 2020 | Business Technology Support
Nearly everyone uses Wi-Fi. Wireless gives people the increased flexibility to use their mobile devices in more places. If your business’ Wi-Fi isn’t set up properly, you’ll find that your coverage will be lacking. Today, we thought we’d give you a few tips on how to...
by TAP Tech | Oct 23, 2020 | Business Technology Support
The COVID-19 pandemic has been jamming up business progress for over half of 2020 and it has led a lot of organizations to push off any new technology investments or to find hosted solutions that will allow them to meet their current business demands. On the surface,...