While this idea is still in consideration and may not be ever adopted, it is still interesting to consider how businesses may someday be able to make use of such a feature.
What Could This Feature Look Like?
Coined “Device Usage,” the test of this feature is located in a revitalized Settings application under the “Personalization” area. There, a user can select between six categories:
- Business
- Creativity
- Entertainment
- Family
- Gaming
- Schoolwork
Naturally, business users would select Business, students would be well-served by Schoolwork, and so on. Based on their selection, the device’s settings would be changed to best fit the user’s needs. As of yet, this feature is still being tested in Windows’ Preview builds, so don’t go searching for it just yet.
While it is not yet totally clear precisely how these changes would take shape, some have theorized that this feature would just be an extension of the existing out-of-box experience (OOBE) setup screen—where users have to consent to different agreements and initially connect to the Internet and such.
With any luck, we’ll learn more about it soon.
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